The babysitter.

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America: Are you sure you can watch the Original 13, they can be a bit.. weird.

Britain: I have it all under control, I have dealt with many moody teenagers in my life America. Know go enjoy I bit if peace to yourself.

America: call me when you give up.

30 minutes later.

Maryland: Grandpa! Is a hot dog a sandwich!?!?!

Pennsylvania: Massachusetts! We need more Tea to dump!

Delaware: Grandfather, were might the bandages be?

North Carolina: So does that mean Roanoke Colony was a version of you!

South Carolina: Your a old man.

Rhode Island: Britain! I'm stuck in the cabinet!

Georgia: *Crying intensifies*

New Jersey: Sand is called sand because it is between sea and land!

Connecticut: No matter how loud you speak I can not hear you!

New Hampshire: Did everyone forget I exist?

New York: *Blasting Hamilton*

Vermont: (She is just there even thought she is not a not a Original 13) Massachusetts, hand me a bottle of Vodka, I'm getting drunk.

Massachusetts: Count me in.

Virginia: I am Neither a boy or Girl, I am Non-Binary.

Britain: *Silently pouring wine in his tea cup* France! I never want to have kids again!

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