China and Egypt.

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China: Egypt, Sister (They call each other sisters) you need to take a break.

Egypt: *Eye bags and a mess* What do you mean *Chuckles*

China: Honey, you are taking care of little demons, you need a break.

Egypt: They are angels, what are you talking about?

Punt: *Screaming as Assyria steals his robe*

Kush: *Hitting people with a spear*


Arabia: al-jamia ahmaq!! (Everyone is a jerk!)

Sinai: anna alan al-alhah alik! (I curse the gods on you!)


Assyria: *demonic laughter*

Egypt: I'm dying inside China. Im dying.

China: Lets get you a hot cup of tea with Britain and talk about of rebellious children.

Egypt: that sounds nice...

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