Dark Headcanons

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(I got this idea from @ThePsychopath7)

The American and British Family Headcanons 

When New Zealand and Australia were born, Britain tried to drown Australia in a bucket of water because she had wings. Britain wanted perfect children and no mess ups, after France sobbed and begged him to stop, he let Australia live, but had her wings amputated.

When West Virginia was once part of Virginia, she tried getting Virginia to kill herself. When they finally split, West Virginia didn't talk to Virginia for months, and when she did she apologized.

When America was still Britain's territory, she tried suicide 8 times. Each time Canada stopped her or Britain found her and beat her up.

Mexico and America dated for 3 months, after Mexico explained to America that he had feelings for Canada, America helped the two get together. But when they broke up, everyone wouldn't talk to America for a month, thinking she did something to Mexico.

North Carolina and South Carolina used to be one person, but after a accidently meeting up with Britain at the age of 4, Britain killed Carolina and North Carolina and South Carolina were born.

Confederate had came to America after a dream when he saw a hooded figure pull a gun to her and kill her.

Australia has been through   a total of 15 break ups, each of them because the person said she was too 'Weird' and 'Adventures'.

France and Britain met when Britain helped France escape a witch burning when Frances mother found out she was a 'witch'. France had thanked Britain then they fell in love, Till this day Britain could tell you their whole life stories and could remember a few spells that France taught him when they were younger. 

Britain had been sent by Spanish Empires Sister, The French colonial Empire, to kill Native after the F.E found out about the relationship Between Native and Spanish. He declined but after F.E threated to find France and poison her, Britain agreed. After he saw how many kids poor Native had, he felt guilty and made one of his men shoot Native. Then that's when he saw America and Confederate run off. He followed them hoping to be able to tell them what happened and take them in, but after he found Confederate, he knew he could only take America. So he shot him in the hip, he knew it wouldn't kill Confederate only hurt him. He took America in and tried getting her to become one of his children, but his anger issues got the best of him. In the present time he won't even kill a fly that is roaming in his house.

Native had a twin brother named Native Canada, but he died at birth with her mother, her father, New World, also known as New America, named Native after himself and raised her, until he was killed by a human when Native was 16.

France knew about the states long before anyone else did, she had practically raised Louisiana. She taught Louisiana spells and the different herbs until everyone else found out about the states, before Louisiana left with his mother, France had given him all her old Journals about herbs and spells. She had cried when he left, due to him being like a son to her and  that he would fill her day up with his happiness and sunshine.

When D.C was 7 months old, Canada was in a argument with America. He had accidently lit America's car on fire when D.C was still inside. D.C had almost died if America had not saved her. Seconds after America got D.C out of the car it blew up.

When Alaska was 2, she was kidnaped by R.E and wasn't found until America had saved her, that is when Alaska had made it her mission to never  feel anything that could make her weak.

When Hawaii was 1, J.E had found out about Americas states and attacked Hawaii. America found Hawaii half alive on the ground and had taken her pain and scars. Hawaii still has a little scar on her back that looks like Americas 

Delaware has a photographic memory, if you ask him her could remember when he was born and how the states mother had flipped everyone of as she ran into the woods clutching him.

Spain was the only one America knew who knew about the states, Spain had always offered to Babysit Florida and the triplets, he even taught Florida  how to wrestle an Alligator, a trick Spanish Empire taught him. When Florida entered her pre-teen years America had decided that Spain didn't need to babysit anymore and Florida started losing her memory of Spain.

Confederate had lost his mind during the civil war, and when he had the southern states in custody, he had debated on telling the whole world about America's states, but didn't after he recognized it would make America weaker because she the would have to hide the states and fight him.

After World War II, America had killed Japan, Italy had killed his own mother. When Nazi Germany tried suicide, he survived and the USSR helped knock the sanity back into him. America had worried that J.E had told him, and she had multiple panic attacks, one leading her to the hospital. 

(Part 2?) 

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