Native and Spanish.

45 4 40

Native: I put the kids in bed, I did the laundry, I made sure they didn't have weapons to kill each other, and you sat out here trying to find out the best way to colonize South America!

Spanish:..... They best way by the way is-

Native: *Hits her with a cast-iron pan*now I put you in bed too!


Spanish: We are the best parents am I right?

Native: Indeed.

*Insert all their kids tied to trees in the back ground*


Native: I should have left you on that street corner where you were standings.

Spanish: But ya didn't!


Russian Empire: DO you ever think you will have another one? *Pats Italy's head*

Fascist Italy: Nahh, to much responsibility, don't want to end up like Native America.

Native: *sitting in the middle of a swarm if kids killing each other*


Spanish Empire: Honey I think you shoul-

Native: *Cracks neck in 180* no.

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