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Alaska: Uncle, what would you do if I got Kidnaped?

Confederate: I would send them a thank you message.

Alaska: You wouldn't do anything to get me back?

Confederate: No..


Pennsylvania: For so many years, I thought that there was something wrong with me, that I was the black sheep and I needed to change my personality. And After alot of time and consideration I realized who I was. Im a piece of shit.

New Mexico: Can you untie me now?


Sleeping over at a friends house

Friend/ South Carolina: *wakes up and stretches* Hey good morning North Carolina

North Carolina: *Sleeping under a door* Shut the fuck up.


New Mexico:* looking in the fridge then turning around to Texas*

New Mexico: DID YOU ATE MY BURRIO!!!??

Texas: *Nodding and trying to to laugh*


Nevada and Florida: *Holding back laughter*

New Mexico: Come on!*Slaps Texas* I JUST WANT MY BURRITO

New Mexico: Have you seen a burrito? Oh YA YOU ATE ITTT!


Texas: Hey how much money do you have?

Florida: I dunno, like 69 cents.

Texas: You know what that means?

Florida: I don't have enough money for chicken nugget.


Confederate: *Grows his hair out and stomps up to D.C*

D.C: Mommy?

Confederate: Do I look look lik-


Delaware: RAH!

Pennsylvania: Stap, I could have dropped my croissant!.


Alabama: *Pours water on Mississippi's face*

Mississippi: *Wakes up* hello?


Hawaii:* angrily stomping by Alaska on the phone with California* and they were roommates!

Alaska: Oh my god they were roommates.


Texas: *Falls out of ceiling*

Florida: Hey Texas.

Texas: Hey Florida

Texas: That hurt.


Mississippi and Alabama going to wake up Florida: WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!

Florida: EHHhh what time is it-

Texas: What the fuck man-

Alabama: *Laughing*

(They were just having a sleep over, calm down.)


Nebraska, Minnesota, and New Mexico pull up to a store.

Nebraska: Here it is Pinches Taco's!

New Mexico: You know what that means right?

Nebraska and Minnesota: Little pinches flavo-

New Mexico: Fucking tacos.

Minnesota: Huh?

New Mexico: yea.

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