Australia and Japan Headcanons

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Australia met Japan after America can brought Japan over to her house for movie night. (Australia, New Zealand, and America had a movie night, Canada used to come but after him and Mexico got together they stopped, its slowly turned from 4 people to 2) Japan had laughed when Australia and New Zealand tried singing 'Let it go' but after they failed Japan and Australia became friends.

Japan had liked Australia for 5 years before telling her anything. Australia was the one who told Japan she liked her, after they got together you could hear America's screech for a mile away, she was so excited for them.

When Australia told Britain about her relationship, instead of getting mad he was excited and yelled "HA I get 72.08 pounds from France." Apparently France and Britain had made bets on which one of there children would be apart of the LGBTQ+. He was happy for them.

When Japan told South Korea and North Korea, South Korea was happy for her and North Korea congratulated her and walked away. 

Japan and Australia know one thing, Don't mess with each other when one of them are on a period, it gets bad, once Australia sent a text to New Zealand saying that Japan threatened to kill her and she was hiding under the couch.

Japan once saw the scars where Australia's wings once were, after Australia explained what happened, Japan wouldn't let her see Britain for a month.

New Zealand and Australia once had a dare that they had to switch places, so Australia did everything New Zealand did for a day, and New Zealand did everything that Australia did for a day. And the day New Zealand was Australia was the day Japan wanted to 'do' something with Australia. After a quick explanation New Zealand told Japan what was going on and Australia and New Zealand went back to normal, New Zealand and Aussie decided to never to a twin switch again. 

Australia calls Japan "Tempura" and Japan call Australia "Chiko Roll"

(If you have question about them I will answer them)

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