The mission.

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Before France left Native and Spanish, right after America and Confederate were born.

Angst Warning I guess.

Native was sitting silently next to the Fire as Spanish was asleep with the twins, France was quietly staring at her hand, noticing the shapes that were staring to fade into it. 

"What's bugging you?" France asked Native, she just sighed and held the the bridge of her nose. "Something is off with America's future, I can't place a finger in it. It doesn't show me anything but you and Britain, as if it is stuck!" Native said frustrated. "Isn't weird looking into your kids future?" France asked,  tilting her head at Native. "Is it weird you question my parenting?" Native shot back, becoming more frustrated. "If any of this has to do with you, do me one favor please. Is America EVER ends up with you for some reason, swear to me you will protect her with your life." Native asked, glancing over at France who was just confused. "I swear I guess." France said, flopping on her back and looking at the stars. "I have never been as home as here." France said happily, looking for the big dipper in the stars. 


When France was silently sitting at the dinning table waiting for Britain to come home, New Zealand and Australia were running around and breaking things, she really didn't care, wasn't her crap.

Canada was chasing after the two, trying to stop them but failed after the twins ducked under him and continued to chase each other. Suddenly the door opened and Britain was in view, she stood up, ran over to him and hugged him "Oh I missed you!" She sobbed, she could see the tears in his eyes too. 

The twins came running down and jumped on Britain, almost knocking him over. Britain walked over with the twins in his arms and sat down on his chair, and when France noticed a someone standing at the door. The girl had bruises on her arms and had tears visible on her face, she looked half scared to death and was shacking a bit. France knew who she was, just by the way necklace on her neck and her face, America was right in front of her. "Who might you be?" France asked her, seeing how bad Britain corrupted her. " Im' Am-" She tried saying before looking over Frances shoulder and noticing Britain. "Thirteen Colonies Ma'am." She said, she was still shaking. Australia jumped out of Britain lap and waked over to America, grabbing her hand and leading her up the stairs. New Zealand followed soon after. France grabbed the News paper of the table, walked up to Britain and smacked him.

"What did I do!" Britain yelled, scared of the angry French. "You took my Cousin, you corrupted the hell out of her, then expect me to let it go!" France yelled, beating Britain with the news paper some more. "Her Mother was dead! I couldn't just leave her alone!" Britain yelled at France as she continued hitting him. She then dropped the new paper and stared at him with furry in her eyes.

"What do you mean by dead?" She asked, balling her fists. "Someone shot her when I was on the land, I didn't have the choice, I am sorry." Britain said, he then explain what happened with Frances Mother and how she threatened her life. "What happened to all the kids....?" France asked, sitting down in the chair trying not to cry. "Dead mostly, I tried grabbing her twin but he pulled a fight." Britain sighed, he didn't sound anything but pleased. "You should have told me.." She said angrily, casing Britain to flinch, he was deadly scared of his wife. 


Britain and France were arguing and yelling at each other as America and Canada sat in the background. "She will stay in this house, and that's the end of it!" France yelled at Britain who was raging. "She is a traitor and shouldn't be aloud in my house!" Britain yelled back. France lifted up her gloved hand and Britain put his hands up in defeat. "Fine! I Don't care!" He yelled, storming upstairs, only to get a smack in the head from Frances shoe, "Watch you attitude with me Britain!" France yelled at him, turning to America and Canada, "You two head off to bed soon, and America, lock your door." France told them, she then stormed ups stairs too, earing odd looks from everyone around her, she was usually pleasant and would say Hi to anyone and talk, but she ignored everyone and just marched to her room.

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