When He First Saw You

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Even Sherlock, the high functioning sociopath, couldn't hide the fact that he felt something for you

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Even Sherlock, the high functioning sociopath, couldn't hide the fact that he felt something for you. You walked into 221B, desperate for help, and he almost took your case without hearing you explain your problem. His glassy, blue eyes searched you as you sat down, and he stared at you almost without blinking as you spoke. No other woman has taken his breath away like this before.


You noticed John first

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You noticed John first. He was having a heated row with the self checkout machine, and though you tried you couldn't stifle your laugh. His head snapped up, and for a second you were scared he was going to shout at you. But his anger dissolved instantly across his features, his head tilting to the side like a curious puppy. A half smile pulled at his lips, making you blush as you smiled back.


You were walking home from a long shift at work, but the wind was strong and the rain was heavy

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You were walking home from a long shift at work, but the wind was strong and the rain was heavy. You hurried under the shelter of  nearby building and looked out at the street which was assaulted by the torrential London rain. The silhouette of a man stood across the road from you, engaged in a furious phone call from which he quickly hung up. He looked around at the rain and then noticed you across the road. He shot you a wide smile before making his way slowly over to you, the light of the rising moon gleaming mischievously in his eyes.


A brutal murder had taken place across the street from you

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A brutal murder had taken place across the street from you. You had been the one to call the police, and it wasn't long before they showed up. They stood close together, talking with hushed voices before one of them walked up to you, asking if you were okay. He crosses his arms and introduces himself to you, rather nervously you thought, before trying to comfort you. He was polite, sweet and almost protective of you as another detective in a trench coat questioned you rather bluntly.


Anthea had just hired you as another secretary to Mycroft Holmes

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Anthea had just hired you as another secretary to Mycroft Holmes. She took you to his office to meet him, but he barely looked up from his paperwork while she spoke. His eyes met yours when you extended your hand and introduced yourself. As he did so, his face seemed to relax. His brows, previously knitted together with concentration, raised slightly as he looked at you. You gave him a shy, sweet smile which he quickly returned while shaking your hand with both of his and welcoming you.

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