How You Hold Hands

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Normally, you don't ask Sherlock to hold your hand because you know he can get busy or need to go off on a case

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Normally, you don't ask Sherlock to hold your hand because you know he can get busy or need to go off on a case. So, Sherlock actually gestures to you that he wants to hold your hand. You smile warmly at him as he wiggles his fingers at you, and you gladly take his hand, walking close to him as you continue to make your way down the street.


Your fingers intertwine together, wrapping around each other slowly and embracing the warmth between you

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Your fingers intertwine together, wrapping around each other slowly and embracing the warmth between you. You notice every line and bump on his hands, rough but comforting.


He caresses your hand gently, asking to hold it

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He caresses your hand gently, asking to hold it. When you allow him to wrap his fingers around you, he softly strokes your thumb - silently showing his love for you, and only you.


You wake up early quiet often, being unable to sleep because of the nature of Greg's job

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You wake up early quiet often, being unable to sleep because of the nature of Greg's job. Your hands closes over his, and even though he is sleeping, his hand automatically holds onto one of your fingers in an unconscious attempt at comforting you.


His hand reaches for yours, pulling it closer with one finger while you open our palm to him

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His hand reaches for yours, pulling it closer with one finger while you open our palm to him. Your hands push together as your fingers twirl around each other, holding onto each other tenderly.

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