Who Confessed Their Love First

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He did. It was completely out of nowhere, and though he denies it, you're sure it was an accident. He was rushing about, babbling about a case that he was inches from solving. You said something that jogged something in him. He ran up to you and kissed your head, telling you that he loves you so much before flying from the room and pursuing the criminal.


You did

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You did. You knew he felt it too, but he was very shy about saying it. But when he took you out on a very special date, you knew he was about to say it. You were walking through a park together to end the night when you fell over, and he helped you up. Giggling, you told him you loved him. You both blushed.



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You did. It sort of slipped out when he got home from a job. You had been so scared, so you waited for him near the door, hoping he would make it back home okay. Thankfully he did, and in your relief you accidently said it. He smiled into your hair and held you close before saying he loved you too.



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He did. He was very romantic when he confessed. Like a true gentleman, he cooked food and organised a really cute, cosy date for you both to enjoy. But he was so excited that when he came to pick you up he just blurted it out. You smiled and said it back and continued to enjoy the date.



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You did. You had been together a while, but you knew he wouldn't say it first. It's likely he didn't even truly understand his feelings for you. So you told him your feelings instead, expressing your love for him and talking about a potential future of moving in together. He was a little shocked at first, but eventually said he loves you too.

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