His Favourite Place To Kiss You

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Your lips

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Your lips. Sherlock loves looking at you just before you kiss, taking in the soft, fullness of your lips and wide eyes. He can't believe how lucky he is to call you his, and so each time you kiss he wants it to be a clear, physical show of his affection.


Your neck

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Your neck. John loves coming up behind you and kissing your neck. Sometimes he does it hard enough to leave marks, gently reminding others that you are taken, but other times it's soft and tender.


Your shoulder

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Your shoulder. He doesn't get to kiss there when you are in public most of the time, so when you get home and he can kiss you there, he gets excited because it usually means your going to have sex. He loves your shoulders anyway - he thinks they look really pretty, and frame the rest of your body well.


Your cheek

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Your cheek. Mainly because each time he does it you usually smile as his cuteness, and he thinks your smile is beautiful. He also says your cheek is so smooth and soft which only adds to his enjoyment of kissing you there.


You head or hair

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You head or hair. He's taller than you, and loves holding you close. The most convenient place for him to kiss you is on your head, and because of that it's become his favourite pace to kiss you. He also gets to take in the scent of your hair; pleasant and fresh with the smell of your shampoo.

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