People's Reaction When They Find Out You're A Couple

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Thank you again Original_TiddlyWink for the idea!! x


Their first question is usually how? How did Sherlock get a partner like that? It confuses them for a while before they see him act normally with  you

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Their first question is usually how? How did Sherlock get a partner like that? It confuses them for a while before they see him act normally with  you. Before, he appeared standoffish and cold in an attempt to make people think he didn't even like you, let alone love you. But now he knows he can act however he want, he is actually really sweet to you and people can see why you're a couple - they can't imagine him acting like this with anyone else.



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Well... finally. Everyone could tell you liked him and he was head over heels for you. The way you looked at each other, smiled at each other and spoke to each other was just different; even the way you breathed seemed different around him, like you were short for breath.


No one could picture you with a guy like him, and no one could picture him with someone like you

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No one could picture you with a guy like him, and no one could picture him with someone like you. You, at first glance, seem like total opposites of each other, but once everyone really got to know you they saw how similar you two can be.


Everyone is just so happy for the two of you

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Everyone is just so happy for the two of you. They have always thought you were perfect together, and now that you've made it official you look like an even stronger couple. Your oldest friends actually cry when they hear you're finally with him - they know how much of a great guy he is, and are so proud that you managed to find one like him... Hold onto him, because they are rare.


Mycroft has a heart?? When people finally get over that shock and realise all the little signs they've picked up on, from the extra little touches and smiles to the way you speak about each other, they are really happy for the both of you

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Mycroft has a heart?? When people finally get over that shock and realise all the little signs they've picked up on, from the extra little touches and smiles to the way you speak about each other, they are really happy for the both of you. They can see how perfect you are as a couple, and are glad that you manged to find each other.

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