He Sees You With Someone Else

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After noticing how close the man stood to you, and observing his subtle hand movements over your back as he tried to comfort you, Sherlock's hands would clap together and his blue eyes would dart over him, judging and analysing the man

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After noticing how close the man stood to you, and observing his subtle hand movements over your back as he tried to comfort you, Sherlock's hands would clap together and his blue eyes would dart over him, judging and analysing the man. Within seconds, Sherlock would begin speaking his deductions in an attempt to belittle the man, essentially verbally attacking him all while the green hue of jealousy reflects in his eyes.


John would turn into a sassy mess when he sees that you are with someone else

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John would turn into a sassy mess when he sees that you are with someone else. His eyes would roll with each sentence the man says, and he would turn his back each time the man showed you affection - as if he couldn't stand to see it. The daggers he shoots the man from his eyes makes your boyfriend extremely uncomfortable, and that alone almost sends him running.


He sees the man next to you as a challenge - someone to compete with for your love and attention

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He sees the man next to you as a challenge - someone to compete with for your love and attention. After throwing his arm around you and kissing you roughly, he growls at the man over your shoulder, who backs off immediately. Moriarty is not scared of starting a fight - he's always got a sniper ready to take out the competition if things get ugly.


After appearing visibly shocked, Greg would be silently judging your partner

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After appearing visibly shocked, Greg would be silently judging your partner. His eyes would flip between the both of you, trying to come to terms with the fact that you are taken. When he realises that he can't give in that easily, he will do all he can to get your attention and approval.



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Jealousy. Mycroft Holmes had never experienced it until you walked in with your new boyfriend. Mycroft looks him up and down, trying to determine who the man is to you. After short introductions, Mycroft turns cold towards him and by the end of the meeting he has successfully intimidated him with his power.

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