How You Sleep

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Most nights, Sherlock finds it a struggle to sleep

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Most nights, Sherlock finds it a struggle to sleep. His mind races through cases and worries, making it almost impossible for him to simply shut off his brain. But you bring him comfort, even in sleep. He can lay down, regardless of his thoughts, and play with your hair, stroke your cheek or simply observe how you sleep.


He likes to know that you are safe and in his protection

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He likes to know that you are safe and in his protection. You sleep with his arms around you, holding you close and protecting you against the darkness of the night. You both get nightmares occasionally, but when you wake up you can feel your bodies entangled in love and safety.


Jim loves to snuggle his head into your shoulders, wrapping his arms and legs around you

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Jim loves to snuggle his head into your shoulders, wrapping his arms and legs around you. In this position, you get to stroke and play with his hair so you're not complaining. Despite it's complicated visual, it's actually really comfortable and surprisingly natural for both of you to get in to.


If you're going to spoon, Greg is almost always the little spoon

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If you're going to spoon, Greg is almost always the little spoon. He loves holding you hand as you wrap it over him, and loves the light feel of your breathing on his neck. It reassures him at night and keeps you both warm and comfortable.


Mycroft loves having you sleep on his chest

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Mycroft loves having you sleep on his chest. Your hearts beat to the same rhythm, meeting the same points on your chest as if trying to get to each other. He really likes knowing you're okay, and having you sleep like this is the best way for him to feel reassured, not to mention how incredibly comfortable it is for you too.

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