He Catches You Self Harming

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His immediate thought is how he can help you stop doing this again

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His immediate thought is how he can help you stop doing this again. Of course, he'd want to be the one to help you, but he also doesn't want to mess around with your head if someone else could help you even slightly more than him - like a therapist. So he'd comfort you, and when you have calmed down and are comfortable, he'd softly suggest getting help from one.


He'd get very emotional and protective of you, and really try to have a meaningful conversation about your feelings, his feelings and about the effect of bad mental health

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He'd get very emotional and protective of you, and really try to have a meaningful conversation about your feelings, his feelings and about the effect of bad mental health. He doesn't want you to feel like you are weird for doing it or selfish or any other thing that may come to mind, and talking about it will break that stigma and help you feel more comfortable to talk to him about it instead of doing it next time.


Jim is used to seeing blood and pain, but he never thought he'd be seeing it on you, and by your hand

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Jim is used to seeing blood and pain, but he never thought he'd be seeing it on you, and by your hand. He missed the signs, and so he would believe it was his fault that you done it. He wouldn't tell you this, but you would probably be able to guess it anyway. You'd spend the evening crying together until you make a game plan to get help.


Though every fibre of his body fights to back away and close up so that he doesn't have to see you in such pain, he fights through it because he knows how much you need his support right now

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Though every fibre of his body fights to back away and close up so that he doesn't have to see you in such pain, he fights through it because he knows how much you need his support right now. He will tell you how much he loves you, but make it clear that he just doesn't love the action, but that he is going to get you help if you let him. He knows this is not something light that he can risk trying to "fix".


He'd need time to think, so while he comforts you into sleep, his mind will be whirring with ideas of what he should do

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He'd need time to think, so while he comforts you into sleep, his mind will be whirring with ideas of what he should do. Though he can't decide, he doesn't need to, because when you wake up you tell him exactly what you think will help you. This is why he loves you - even in your darkest moments, you know exactly what you want/ need and are not scared to ask for it. Sometimes he just wishes he knew you just as well as you know yourself.

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