A Cute Thing He Does

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The head tilt and nose scrunch that primarily happens when he believes he has been particularly smart or sassy (so, most of the time)

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The head tilt and nose scrunch that primarily happens when he believes he has been particularly smart or sassy (so, most of the time).


John also has a cute head tilt when he's joking around

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John also has a cute head tilt when he's joking around. But on top of that, his half, pulled to the side type of smile is really cute.


His intense stare and small smile is really cute

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His intense stare and small smile is really cute. To others, it may seem a little scary, but you know Jim won't hurt you - it's just a cute thing he does.


The power walk where he swings his arms

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The power walk where he swings his arms. You know he feels proper important when he does this walk, and it is really cute to observe.


Head tilted back, wide mouthed laugh

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Head tilted back, wide mouthed laugh. A very rare laugh, only observed when he is drunk or you make him laugh particularly hard. It's really cute and write amusing to see - especially after seeing how serious he can be.

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