He Has A Nightmare

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When he has a nightmare, he fights to keep quiet so as to not disturb you

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When he has a nightmare, he fights to keep quiet so as to not disturb you. He will silently creep into the living room and remain there for the rest of the night. But when you wake up, you notice how out of it and disassociated to his actions he seems. He is spacey, more so than usual, but will tell you what happened when you ask him, and allow you to comfort him when he needs it.


John wakes up in a panicked, sweaty mess, instantly waking you up next to him

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John wakes up in a panicked, sweaty mess, instantly waking you up next to him. You hold him gently, waiting for him to calm down enough to lay back down again. When he finally does, he begins to cry into your hair until he eventually drifts off to sleep again.


He'll pretend it didn't happen, despite you seeing it the night before

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He'll pretend it didn't happen, despite you seeing it the night before. He'll go about his usual tasks, a forced smile on his face despite the bags under his eyes and the darkness swimming in their depths. Soon enough, his act slips long enough for you to comfort him.


Greg absolutely needs your comfort in the night, but when he wakes up the next day, he'll feel embarrassed and guilty for waking you up to help him

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Greg absolutely needs your comfort in the night, but when he wakes up the next day, he'll feel embarrassed and guilty for waking you up to help him. You assure him you don't mind, but it will take him some time to feel less guilty and accept that he needed help to calm down.



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Blank. Expressionless. Without the small smile he usually bears, Mycroft seems in a daze for hours after his nightmare, barely speaking and hardly breathing. His muscles loosen as he grows more comfortable, and then he'll wait until morning to tell you that he had a nightmare. But the next day, he'll still seem more jumpy.

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