Your Secret Admirer

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Moriarty. Sherlock deduced it long before you ever noticed because of how subtle Jim can be with you. It's strange because he's very open and loud about other things he like or wants, but with you it's different. It's almost like he actually has grown an attachment to you. This doesn't make you feel safe or trust him though, and Sherlock is extra vigilant and worried if he ever suspects that Jim is close.



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Mycroft. At first it almost appeared that Mycroft was trying to impress John, which amused you. But when Sherlock pointed it out in front of Mycroft that he has a crush on you, you stopped laughing from shock. John began laughing instead as your cheeks bloomed red.



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Greg. Greg met you briefly while investigating a murder - little did he know that you and your boyfriend Jim had something to do with it. Greg thought you were very attractive, and though he was shy, asked you out to dinner. You denied politely, and immediately told Jim. He pretended that he thought it was funny how a detective fell for the criminal, but he also became more protective over you with other men.



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John. John is one of your best friends, and you find him really funny, so it got a little awkward when you realised he was crushing on you. Greg is friends with John too, but told him to back off a bit. He does and soon his feelings slip for you and you revert to being good friends again.


Irene Adler

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Irene Adler. You didn't even know of her name before Mycroft told you. You were being stalked for a while, online and on the streets, so you were very worried - especially when you found out how dangerous she is. But she never approaches you or tries anything, she just appreciates your beauty form afar (which makes Mycroft a little jealous).

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