He Thinks You Died

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Sherlock completely falls apart, and not even John can pull him out of his torture this time

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Sherlock completely falls apart, and not even John can pull him out of his torture this time. Mind clouded by drugs and lungs abused by cigarettes, he hurts himself in an unconscious attempt to get to you - to be with you, wherever you are and whatever that means for him.


Completely closing up, John's only emotion appears to be anger

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Completely closing up, John's only emotion appears to be anger. Anger at himself for not being there to help you, angry at the people who try to comfort him and angry at time itself for forcing him to try and move on. He can't, and any attempt only makes him worse.


He's informed of your supposed passing, but he refuses to believe it

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He's informed of your supposed passing, but he refuses to believe it. Instead he searches for you, growing increasingly agitated as his fury and fear build within him. He's come along way with you, and you have taught him to control his emotions and not to kill or injure people based off of them. But in your absence, all of that drops from his mind as he hunts for the people in the area who let it happen.


Greg is desperate for comfort

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Greg is desperate for comfort. He doesn't close up, but he does become extremely clingy and distraught. He can't be left alone, and for a while he stays at Sherlock's flat, fearful of harming himself as the memeories of you flood back to him, forcing nightmare son him.


He absolutely refuses to let anyone see him in pain or see how the news has affected him

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He absolutely refuses to let anyone see him in pain or see how the news has affected him. But inside, his life has crumbled and as the depression settles in, he finds it hard to even get out of bed - throwing up on days that he finds it hardest. He doesn't look after himself, barely cleaning himself or eating. Instead he smokes, allowing the air to pollute his lungs. With each long draught on the cigarette, he feels one step closer to you.

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