If You Magically Switched Bodies

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Thank you Original_TiddlyWink for this idea! This one was really fun to think about and write :) x


Once the initial shock subsides, it's time to experiment

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Once the initial shock subsides, it's time to experiment. He'll have your permission first of course, but then he'll want to experiment with your body and see how it feels different to a man's. He finds this whole ordeal a privilege because he could possibly discover something new about our states of being. And then, later in the day, he'll want to experiment sexually with you.


You're so excited to see what being Sherlock for a day feels like

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You're so excited to see what being Sherlock for a day feels like. The first thing you notice is how hungry you are, so you stuff your face, with Sherlock's disapproval, until you're completely full. Unfortunately, switching bodies doesn't mean you get to keep his conscious way of thinking, so you can't play around with that. But it's still amusing to watch Sherlock freak out in your body while you do things he'd never normally do.


He'd want to spend the whole day inside with you and try to wait out the change

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He'd want to spend the whole day inside with you and try to wait out the change. He'd be a bit freaked out at looking at himself all day, but as long as he's with you it's okay. He's very respectful of your body, and looks after it well.

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