Your Quirk He Loves

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Your loud laugh

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Your loud laugh. You absolutely hate it, and think it's the ugliest thing about you. Because of this, you tend to cover your mouth with your hand when you laugh, shielding it from any onlookers. But occasionally, when he makes you laugh really hard, you forget to do this. Sherlock loves seeing you laugh like that - it's cute and real.


You play with your hair a lot

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You play with your hair a lot. Be it flipping it, stroking it or twirling your fingers through it - you almost always are touching it in some way. John thinks it's hot, and it's definitely one of his favourite things about you.


When you are sad you make a pouty face

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When you are sad you make a pouty face. Though he finds it cute, he can't help but laugh at you which makes you angry until he calms down enough to explain it. He finds it adorable.


He loves the sound of your nails clicking on the table

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He loves the sound of your nails clicking on the table. You usually do this when you are nervous which is great for him because he knows when you need comfort.


He has noticed that every now and then, you flare your nostrils

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He has noticed that every now and then, you flare your nostrils. You mainly do it when you're angry, and he finds it really sweet. He loves it because it's such a subtle thing that only he notices about you; because of that he never tells you about it in fear that you will consciously try to stop.

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