Favourite Netflix Series You Watch Together

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Hey! I just wanted to say that I S T R O N G L Y recommend all of these shows. I absolutely love each one, and would loveee to fangirl about them more but I don't want to waste your time here. If you like these though and could chat about them for hours like me, we'd probably be great friends XD If you have any other suggestions by the way for shows to watch then leave them below!



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You. This show is from the perspective of a stalker who would do anything to get with the girl he's stalking. Sherlock finds it a highly interesting show, and even gets tense at points from the suspense left after each episode. It's a difficult series in the sense that you have to keep reminding yourself that the guy you are watching is the villain - it's just because you are hearing the way he rationalises things to himself that makes it seem like what he is doing is correct.


Black Mirror

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Black Mirror. John is fascinated about the potential power of technology, and what strange things it could bring in the future. This show tackles so many potential problems as each episode is a different story. They are like mini films, and so thought provoking.


Black Summer

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Black Summer. You and Jim are both tense messes. This show is NOT afraid to kill off main characters, and seems to love instilling fear and intense moments all throughout the show. The zombies are a main part of that, but it also highlights how humans can turn into monsters in intense and apocalyptic situations - something Jim has been saying for years.


Stranger Things

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Stranger Things. Greg cares so much about these characters - even the ones that join in later seasons. The show has a supernatural element, incorporates some horror situations and techniques, all while still adding some comedy. He finds it absolutely genius, and is one of his favourite shows to watch.


Mind Hunter

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Mind Hunter. This series follows two FBI agents who really did deep into the psychology of murder. Mycroft finds the show fascinating, and is glued to the screen every time the two of you watch an episode.

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