He's Talking In His Sleep

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He talks in his sleep all the time, and sometimes you actually enjoy it

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He talks in his sleep all the time, and sometimes you actually enjoy it. In his sleep, he seems to say all the things he struggles to say while he's awake: he loves you, he needs you and on days that he isn't with you as much, he misses you.


John doesn't really talk, but whimpers and screams

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John doesn't really talk, but whimpers and screams. Sometimes it's so bad that you have to wake him up to stop him throwing his arms out and hurting himself. On the few occasions that he's not having a nightmare, he might whisper your name or smile and snuggle into the covers.


Jim speaks in his sleep all the time

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Jim speaks in his sleep all the time. It's almost always him telling people to back off, or ordering them to leave, and when he wakes up he tells you that he had a nightmare where someone was trying to take you or hurt you. It keeps him up at night quite often.


Greg apologises a lot in his sleep

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Greg apologises a lot in his sleep. He told you he dreams about people he feels he has wronged or that have passed on and he misses. It hurts you to hear, so you hold him tight in the night and whisper him back to semi-consciousness. Then he hugs you back and tells you he loves you


Mycroft rarely talks in his sleep, but when he does it's usually about Sherlock or Eurus

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Mycroft rarely talks in his sleep, but when he does it's usually about Sherlock or Eurus. You know he stresses about them a lot, so it never surprises you that even in sleep he is still worried about them.

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