He Thinks You Have Feelings For Someone Else

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10 MORE PARTS TO 200!! We're so close to 200 parts (the end of this book!) so if you have any ideas you really want to see then don't hesitate to let me know. I'll be more focussed on my other Sherlock books after so I'm excited to get back to writing in those too.

I HAVE ONE LAST THING TO ASK OF YOU (PLEASE READ THANK YOUUUUU) ---> I'm currently on my 5th draft of a dark, medieval thriller (my god narrowing down to a genre is so hard) and once I've finished this draft (hopefully in a month or two) I'll be looking for some first readers to critique my work so I can do one of my last, polished drafts. I'd like some critiques on plot lines, character development, descriptions, word choice, pacing etc... I'll paste the first few paragraphs of the first chapter below this preference so you can get a read of it, and if you would be interested in reading the whole thing and critiquing it, then please shoot me a message on here or dm my Instagram @aimee_x21 Note that my story involves graphic depictions of injury, death, violence, self harm, suicide and abuse, so if that's not your thing that's completely fine. I'll narrow down the plot to a basic sentence: A girl loses everything, and then loses herself - trying to claw her way back to sanity is no longer a priority. I'll be eventually able to email my readers my 5th draft, which you can then read for free in a word document, and then write your notes however you like. Sorry this was so long, but thank you so much for reading this! I hope to hear from a few of you :)


Sherlock is shocked and confused

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Sherlock is shocked and confused. He was sure you liked him. 100% sure. The way you played with your hair when talking to him, how your hands grew clammy at his presence. He just doesn't understand. He's too embarrassed about getting his deductions mixed up with his feelings to ask you about it, so he just tries to close himself off from you and observe your reactions.


He didn't think you did, but he thinks he should've realised it

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He didn't think you did, but he thinks he should've realised it. He doesn't want to pressure his feelings on to you, but he just wishes he told you he liked you sooner or made it more obvious. He's skilled at keeping his true emotions to his chest - especially if he thinks they will lead to rejection.

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