He Sees You Walk Down The Aisle

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Beneath the dark bed of curls, his eyes twinkle with the light of the sun, warming with each second they fix on you

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Beneath the dark bed of curls, his eyes twinkle with the light of the sun, warming with each second they fix on you. The world blurs around him as he smiles, completely fixated on you and your beauty, walking gracefully down the aisle towards him.


His head shakes a little in disbelief as you walk towards him

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His head shakes a little in disbelief as you walk towards him. He woke up this morning with the knowledge that today you bind yourself to him - his wife till death parts you. But still he is taken by a joyous shock; he's managed to find the perfect woman, and now she's willing to be his forever.


You walk as carefully as you can down the aisle, terrified of falling over in your heels

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You walk as carefully as you can down the aisle, terrified of falling over in your heels. He smiles at you, only making you blush and look down. He loves you so much, and every guest can se it clearly painted on his face.


At first he is shocked, taking in your beauty in your long, white dress, ready to marry him

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At first he is shocked, taking in your beauty in your long, white dress, ready to marry him. The joy on his face spreads warmly over his features as you walk slowly to the beat of the music, winking at him as he breaks out in a large smile.


You almost fall over, but manage to steady yourself smoothly so that no one notices - no one but Mycroft

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You almost fall over, but manage to steady yourself smoothly so that no one notices - no one but Mycroft. He smiles wide, but struggles to hold back his laughter as you smile back at him, your cheeks burning red as you trudge back up to the aisle. He kisses your warm forehead as you reach him, relaxing you before the vows begin.

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