Tv Series You Watch Together

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He can be really annoying when you sit down to watch Luther together, but it's the only show he doesn't mind watching

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He can be really annoying when you sit down to watch Luther together, but it's the only show he doesn't mind watching. He tries to solve the crime first, and shouts at the tv if they are being too slow or not picking up on the right details. After a while, you become amused at his ramblings and find him almost as entertaining as the show.



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Supernatural. Ahhh this show is so good. When John first saw you watching it he wasn't very interested, but now whenever you put an episode on he plops down next to you and watches it intently. 


American Horror Story

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American Horror Story. Jim began watching this show first and then you started to watch it with him. You thought you wouldn't like it because you get scared easily, but you actually really enjoy it. Neither of you watch an episode while the other isn't there.


Greg wanted to watch something light hearted with you after coming home from work, so you suggested Friends

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Greg wanted to watch something light hearted with you after coming home from work, so you suggested Friends. Greg absolutely loved it from the pilot episode, and now it's become a part of your daily routine to sit and watch an episode together each evening.


Breaking Bad

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Breaking Bad. Mycroft chose to watch this with you, and you quickly found out that he has excellent taste in tv shows. It's really interesting to watch such a morally ambiguous character - it soon became one of you favourite things to watch in the evenings.

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