He Liked You When He Was Younger

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You were the first person he ever felt anything towards, and when he realised it, he panicked

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You were the first person he ever felt anything towards, and when he realised it, he panicked. Sherlock didn't think he could feel this type of feeling, so he definitely wasn't prepared. To combat this, he watched *a lot* of teenagers falling in love type films, read books on the science of attraction and though he wanted to avoid you while he studied it, he realised he just couldn't stay away from you. It was clear to everyone that he liked you, and you found the fact that he wanted to do it right really sweet.


John was the class clown, and you were the shy one at the back

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John was the class clown, and you were the shy one at the back. Every time you saw him interact with people, you thought he was just a sarcastic, scary person to be around. But then he tried speaking to you more often, and you saw that he does have a soft side and that he's not always so sharp tongued. John thought you were beautiful and smart and sweet, and knew he liked you for a while before he felt confident enough to approach you.


You didn't actually go to his school, but he lived down your street

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You didn't actually go to his school, but he lived down your street. He was the dark, mysterious type, and his bad boy demeanour made you avoid him whenever you could. You didn't even notice him staring at you everyday on the way to school, or walking the long way to his house to pass you on your way home. One day, he saw you with another guy, and he got really jealous. From then on, he changed his demeanour around you, and showed you his true self - the goofy and funny, if a little scary at times, man you know today.


You knew Greg had a crush on you for a long time

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You knew Greg had a crush on you for a long time. The glassy, doe eyes he flashed whenever you walked by made you smile, and the little looks he gave you through class sent the butterflies in your stomach flying. Eventually, you asked him out and, of course, he beamed and said yes.


Mycroft wasn't so cold when he was younger

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Mycroft wasn't so cold when he was younger. You were there for him as a good friend when everything with Eurus was happening, and that's when he started to close up on other people. But never you. He stayed close to you, and eventually your relationship grew without either of you ever mentioning it. Years later, he proposes to you, and that's the first time you ever put an official label on your relationship.

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