When He's Sick

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He can be a bit of a drama queen

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He can be a bit of a drama queen. A small cold can appear like a full blown fever when he's ill. His throat is a desert, his head a drum and his mind completely fuzzy. He needs you to look after him and keep him sane, which is a very difficult job, but somehow you manage it and he recovers quickly.


He doesn't feel right for a while leading up to him falling ill, and it's plain for you both to see

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He doesn't feel right for a while leading up to him falling ill, and it's plain for you both to see. This means he has time to prepare and get in medicines and soup ready to deal with it when the illness comes out in full force.


His usual levels of energy completely collapse and he appears exhausted

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His usual levels of energy completely collapse and he appears exhausted. He struggles to focus on anything, and is much easier to irritate than usual. Usually, you baby him a little when he is sick, and make him rest until he feels better.


Greg tries to pretend he's not growing sick, and goes about his work and life as normal

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Greg tries to pretend he's not growing sick, and goes about his work and life as normal. But it's clear that he can't think clearly, is losing his focus and can become irritated faster. He also gets more passive when he's sick, allowing life to go on around him a little blurry as he jus stumbles along until he gets better. He doesn't like to take time off when he's sick.


Mycroft hides his illness really well, and you only find out he is sick when he is really ill

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Mycroft hides his illness really well, and you only find out he is sick when he is really ill. But he does grow more snide and sassy when he's ill because people annoy him much more - especially when he has a headache. He also doesn't want you to fuss over him, he thinks he is perfectly able to take care of himself.

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