As A Couple, You Are...

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The power couple

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The power couple. You both work together, you are both as famous as each other, you are *almost* as smart as him (he would never admit it when you do outsmart him) and you love each other more than anything. Though people thought it odd when Sherlock fell in love with you and you became a couple, they soon got jealous of how well you work together and balance each other out.


The sassy couple

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The sassy couple. You are both so sarcastic and sassy and your jokes bounce off of each other so well. Other people don't always get your humour, which only makes the two of you laugh more.


The "we're in our own world" couple

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The "we're in our own world" couple. You both  act like no one else exists, and if they do, then they revolve around you. You go out together at stupid o'clock in the morning just to walk around, you spend enormous amounts of time in the bedroom and you show as much affection for each other as you want - regardless of if it irritates anyone. Its both of your world, everyone else is just living in it.  


The cute couple

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The cute couple. You are everything to each other, and that's all that matters. He compliments you every day without fail, and you support him unconditionally at work. It's a very sweet, balanced relationship that is going to last until the end of time. You both know it.


The parents

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The parents. You are both mature and level headed, and find yourself talking about people close to you as if they were your children and need protection. Mycroft certainly feels that way with Sherlock at least.

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