They Ask Your Parents To Marry You

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Thank you so much dilflovingdickhead for requesting this one! It's such a good idea and I can't believe I didn't do this one earlier while I was planning for their weddings and stuff. But anyway, she's here now. Hope you like it :)


Sherlock is  p r e p a r e d

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Sherlock is  p r e p a r e d. He's researched the most successful ways of getting the parents to say yes to marriage, and he thinks he's narrowed it down to the best way. He takes them out for dinner while you're at work or with friends and acts confident. When they say yes, he fights to keep himself appearing calm and collected, but inside he's buzzing. He doesn't seem to realise that most of the time, the parents say yes. Either way, they find the way he asked them very charming and polite.


Your parents love John, but that doesn't make John any less nervous when he goes to ask your parents for permission to marry you

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Your parents love John, but that doesn't make John any less nervous when he goes to ask your parents for permission to marry you. The whole time he's there, he fights back nervous laughter and smiles until he feels comfortable enough to ask them. When they say yes, he relaxes into a completely different posture, less stiff and upright and more comfortable and happy.


Out of no where, Jim decides that he wants to marry you, but that's he going to do it properly - he's going to ask your parents first

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Out of no where, Jim decides that he wants to marry you, but that's he going to do it properly - he's going to ask your parents first. He is almost drunk with confidence while walking to their house, already knowing that they'll say yes because of how much they love him already. He makes sure to hide his bodyguards around the corner while he's in the house, just in case anyone wants to try and ruin his moment. He gets almost straight to the point and asks them, and they immediately say yes and pull him into an excited hug.


Greg is empowered during work when he (with Sherlock's help) solves a massive case

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Greg is empowered during work when he (with Sherlock's help) solves a massive case. This self-assurance inspires him to ask your parent's permission to marry you. He turns up after work in his suit and speaks to your parents for a while. Your parents are a little shocked because of how excited and open he seems - usually he's a little more reserved. But when he asks the question they understand why he's so excited and say yes of course. For ages they speak about wedding plans until Greg notices the time and runs home to meet you.


Mycroft is terrified

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Mycroft is terrified. He's never had to ask for anyone's permission to do anything before. He doesn't quite know how to say it without it sounding like a demand or a statement. On the outside he looks happy and calm, but inside his mind is running through a thousand different ways to ask them if he can marry you. When he finally asks them, he feels relief as both of them smile at him and say yes. They can't wait for you to marry him, and believe he is the perfect man for you.

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