Their Reaction To You Failing A Test

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You know he's trying to make you feel better, but going on a rant for about half an hour about how the English school system doesn't make sense and how whoever thought of it didn't know the first thing about learning isn't exactly helping

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You know he's trying to make you feel better, but going on a rant for about half an hour about how the English school system doesn't make sense and how whoever thought of it didn't know the first thing about learning isn't exactly helping. He goes on and on about how you revise all year for one or two tests that determine whether you've "learnt" the material or not, when really it's just to see whether you remember something from two years ago. And then don't get him started on the length of double and triple periods - the brain can only focus fully for 20 minutes.


John makes you giggle by joking a bit about some of your answers

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John makes you giggle by joking a bit about some of your answers. You felt very defensive at first, but when he points out that you do know the answer, the questions was just asked in a bit of a dodgy way, then you feel better and joke about it too.


Yeah Jim doesn't really know the answers either

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Yeah Jim doesn't really know the answers either. He tries to pretend he does, but when you realise he gets a bit embarrassed and looks it up on his phone instead. You both spend a few hours trying to find the right answers, and joking about the questions.


He doesn't know the answers either, and he'll tell you that

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He doesn't know the answers either, and he'll tell you that. At his job, he's barely used anything that he learnt in school apart from the specific information for his job. He'll lounge back and watch you, amused, as you struggle to find the answers in you books. Then when he's watched you struggle enough, he'll search for it on his phone.


Mycroft is sure your answers aren't far off, but when he looks at your answers, this is his exact reaction

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Mycroft is sure your answers aren't far off, but when he looks at your answers, this is his exact reaction. He can't hide how shocked he is at the answers you put, but he assures you that he will tutor you before the exam. He gets really into tutoring you, and even make his own tests and mini assessments for you to do. He's certain you'll get the best marks in the next exam.

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