You're Leaving For The Weekend For Work

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200 PARTS!! I'm actually so proud that I managed to keep this going for so long, and I really hope you've enjoyed reading it! This is perfect timing because I just started college yesterday. I'm going to take a little break before I start writing in my other books again, just to refresh and get back into the writing mood away from my makeup artistry work. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, for all the votes and comments! Follow me if you want to see what I do next, if not then I hope you have a good day regardless! Love you all, and for the last time in this book, I hope you enjoy this one xx


He'd make sure you have everything you need

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He'd make sure you have everything you need. Toothbrush? Passport? Pepper spray in case someone tries to hurt you? Got it. Then he'll hug you and tell you to call him as often as you can. He'll miss you.


John is so proud of where you've come and where you're going

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John is so proud of where you've come and where you're going. You're doing so good at your job, been promoted and now get to fly out every now and then to help outside the country. He tells you this, and you have to struggle not to cry. He smiles, gives you a kiss and then watches you board the plane.


You both are too happy and excited for your future to be upset

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You both are too happy and excited for your future to be upset. You smile and laugh the entire time until it comes to you getting on the plane. You're fine with flying alone, but you tell him how much you wish he could come too. Later in the weekend, he surprises you at the hotel and tells you that he's his own boss - he does what he likes, and if he wants to take a holdiay, then that's exactly what he's going to do.


He misses you already, and you can see it in his pout after you kiss and tight fingers when you pull away from the hug

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He misses you already, and you can see it in his pout after you kiss and tight fingers when you pull away from the hug. You promise him the weekend will fly by, and that you'll call and text him whenever you can, but he knows all of this already - he just knows that though your house will have your scent still, it won't feel as warm and full without you.


Mycroft wishes he could go with you, but office and country need him and so he can't

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Mycroft wishes he could go with you, but office and country need him and so he can't. He knows you'll be safe, and that you'll miss him but that you'll be so focused on your work that the time will go by fast. He's just excited for you, and knows that whatever you do over the weekend you'll do a good job of it.

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