A Real World Issue That Worries Him

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Shortening attention spans

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Shortening attention spans. Our children's attention spans have begun to be affected by social media and instant gratification, and that's very worrying for future generations and their ability to focus on important things - like research or simple things like working at their jobs (especially complex jobs like in the medical field).



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War. Tensions are growing in so many countries, and instead of banding together to make life better for everyone, we are being selfish and allowing scary ideas to spread. Ideas lead to desires. Desires lead to actions. Actions result in conflict and death.


Medical and natural disasters

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Medical and natural disasters. There's not much that scares Jim because he believes he can control the situation and get him and you out of trouble. But what happens when something happens that he can't control. What happens when it threatens both of your lives, and happens randomly and without notice.


Civil upset

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Civil upset. Greg does fear war, but especially in his own country. In a time where we should all band together and fight for each other, we are selfish and fight only for ourselves. This causes tension and fighting the streets, which makes Greg's job even scarier and harder to work every day.


Deep state, secret organisations and manipulation

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Deep state, secret organisations and manipulation. There's so many things we don't know, and Mycroft hates that. Though he tries to act mysterious, it's obvious what his priorities are: you, Sherlock and the British people - which is why he may be left out of deep groups. His motives are just too pure. He knows how powerful and influential these people are, and if they threaten those things closest to him and the British way of life then he also knows there will be nothing he can do about it.

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