When He's Drunk

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10K VIEWS AND 472 VOTES (we're so close to 500)!! Some of you have voted on like every chapter since almost the beginning of me making this book. Others have found this more recently and vote frequently. Others may have just voted once or twice. But to EACH one of you - thank you, and I'm glad you enjoy this enough to vote.  

REMEMBER - I will finish this book at 200 parts so if you have something you want to see or any requests, then you can always DM. I love interacting with the people who read my stuff so even if you just want to chat, I'm here :)

Have a good day!


He's very much a talker when he's drunk

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He's very much a talker when he's drunk. He doesn't say anything that makes 100% sense, but his inner will dictionary come out. He'll drone on and on about something that's tickled his mind. He can't make proper deductions, so he doesn't say anything particularly interesting or useful, but he won't even remember it in the morning so it's not like he cares.


John can be really funny when he's drunk, but he'll say almost everything with straight face

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John can be really funny when he's drunk, but he'll say almost everything with straight face. Occasionally he'll just burst out in maniacal laughter for seemingly no reason. He can also be really slow and processing things takes him a lot longer.


Jim can get really emotional when he's drunk, and upset about his job

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Jim can get really emotional when he's drunk, and upset about his job. It's like all the emotion and hurt he's bottled up just floods from him with no intention of stopping. He remembers everything when he's sober again, so you really try to say the right thing so he's not embarrassed or hurt the next day.


Greg can get really angry and needs someone to hold a firm stance to get him under control

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Greg can get really angry and needs someone to hold a firm stance to get him under control. Because of this, he rarely gets drunk because he hates the person he has the potential of becoming.


The sarcasm he has just amplifies along with his ego

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The sarcasm he has just amplifies along with his ego. He will try ordering people about, but he is so weak when he is drunk that no one really listens to him. The best thing for you to do is let him sleep it off, and then wait for his embarrassing apology the next morning.

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