He Sees Your Ex

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Sherlock notices the way he looks at you

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Sherlock notices the way he looks at you. The way his eyes linger a little too long as you walk. The way his lips part when he sees Sherlock with you. Immediately, Sherlock will throw his arm around you and demonstrates more public affection than he normally would. You're confused at first, but when you notice your ex too, you play into his affection with a smirk.


You spot your ex before John does, and when you tell him, he rolls his eyes and huffs out of frustration

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You spot your ex before John does, and when you tell him, he rolls his eyes and huffs out of frustration. He's heard all about your ex, and he doesn't like him at all. If your ex even tries to approach you, John will have a strong word with him until he backs off.


Jim watches him intently, studying his every move and making sure he doesn't come anywhere near you

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Jim watches him intently, studying his every move and making sure he doesn't come anywhere near you. He's protective about you, but especially when your ex is around. Jim doesn't trust him, and will willingly give the orders to have him watched or hurt if he tries anything.


Your break up with your last boyfriend wasn't particularly messy, though you try to avoid him anyway

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Your break up with your last boyfriend wasn't particularly messy, though you try to avoid him anyway. When Greg sees your ex talking to you despite you being clearly uncomfortable, he'll grow confident and hold your hand as he speaks down to the man. He makes it absolutely clear that you are his before guiding you away from him.


Well, Mycroft's sass is going to slip if your ex even looks at him

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Well, Mycroft's sass is going to slip if your ex even looks at him. He trusts you and is confident enough in himself to not be jealous of this man, but that doesn't mean he dislikes him any less. Your ex tries to avoid you both, feeling intimidated by Mycroft's power and wealth. It shouldn't really, but it does amuse you when he quickly walks the opposite corner when Mycroft holds your hand.

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