He Makes You Feel Special When He

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Just the way he looks at you

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Just the way he looks at you. He looks down on everyone else, like they are below him and stupid. But he never does that to you. He looks at you with complete admiration and love.


He's speechless and can hardly meet your gaze

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He's speechless and can hardly meet your gaze. Its rare that John blushes or gets embarrassed. So when he does for no reason just at your arrival, you feel particularly special.


The hungry, longing look followed by a little lip lick

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The hungry, longing look followed by a little lip lick. It always makes you blush because when you first asked him why he does it, he basically went off in a monologue about how much he loves you. It was cute, but you didn't know how to respond.


Sticks up for you in front of Sherlock

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Sticks up for you in front of Sherlock. He never looks as determined or angry at Sherlock as he does when the argument concerns you.


When he drops his uppety act and becomes less stiff

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When he drops his uppety act and becomes less stiff. He only does this when he's drunk or particularly comfortable, so it is really flattering.

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