Your Favourite Place To Go Together

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Regent's park

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Regent's park. This park in London is one of the most calming and beautiful ones in the city. Even Sherlock enjoys aimlessly walking around there with you.


Little Venice

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Little Venice. John loves walking along here in the summer, and he even rents a boat to take down the river occasionally. It's very clean and pretty here.


The Emirates Airline

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The Emirates Airline. These cable carts fly over the River Thames, showcasing a majority of London's best and most well-known buildings. It's a gorgeous view just as the sun is setting.


Kew Gardens

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Kew Gardens. This is a very small portion of the wide range of flowers and foliage growing here. It smells amazing because of the flowers, and is incredible to walk around in on summer evenings.


Hampton Court Palace Gardens hold so much history, yet contains so much modern beauty too

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Hampton Court Palace Gardens hold so much history, yet contains so much modern beauty too. You feel very rich just walking on these grounds, looking around at the castle and nature as you go.

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