His Voicemails

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Thank you again Original_TiddlyWink for this idea! x


Hey y/n, could you come home now? It's really important that you do. I erm... feel sick *coughs and splutters so loud that you ear hurts* so I need you to come back and look after me. And cook me some soup. And warm me up. And then maybe let me fall asleep with my head on your lap. I promise it's important. I love you. See you soon... I er, miss you.


I am so so so sorry I'm going to be a little late tonight. Sherlock's roped me into another case and, well, I need to take notes for my blog. I promise I'll bring you home a surprise. I love you. See you later.


I loveeee youuuuu *muffled screams echo in the background*  and I just wanted to let you know I'll be a little late for our movie tonight. The client's targets are being a little... difficult *two gunshots burst your ears* oh... never mind. I'll make it on time! Don't forget to buy me popcorn. Sweet, not salted.. Mwah. 


Hey love. I know it's two in the morning but my shift just finished. You're definitely asleep, and I know I'll be there when you wake up, but I just wanted to tell you how much i miss you and I love you. It's freezing out here, and I miss being in our bed. You're so warm when I cuddle you. Anyway, I'll be home soon. I love you.


Hey, I know you're at work but when you get a minute could you answer this: when you fry and egg, you do put butter in the pan right? Or is it oil? And how do you know when it's done? And how does the yolk cook if it's on top? Is scrambled egg better? I erm... I'm asking for no particular reason. Oh and when you get home could you pick up some bread? And you do like breakfast in bed right? It is a valentines day thing people do? Anyway, I'll see you when you get home. I love you.

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