Who They Are Jealous Of

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John. He's naturally funny, good with people, compassionate and admits when his emotions are overpowering in order to get help - everything Sherlock secretly wishes he had. Obviously Sherlock of his proud of who he is and the skills he has, but sometimes he just wishes he was more than the high functioning sociopath with a good brain.



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Mycroft. Despite being arrogant at times, Mycroft is an incredible brother, and equally has an incredible brother. His parents are lovely people: nurturing, kind and sweet. John doesn't have those kind of relationships with his own family, and so when he sees Sherlock being ungrateful towards his parents or Mycroft, John feels irritated. 


Why would Jim be jealous of anyone? He is completely happy and confident in himself, has (in his eyes) the best job in the world and - most importantly - he has you

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Why would Jim be jealous of anyone? He is completely happy and confident in himself, has (in his eyes) the best job in the world and - most importantly - he has you. That's everything Jim has ever wanted and will ever need. Besides, why be jealous of normal people when they are so 'boring'.


Your celebrity crush! Yeah Greg can get very jealous of anyone you have a particular attachment/ liking to - like your celebrity crush

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Your celebrity crush! Yeah Greg can get very jealous of anyone you have a particular attachment/ liking to - like your celebrity crush. He just loves having your attention, and if he sees that someone else has captivated you then he gets a little jealous (okay. . . a lot jealous).



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Sherlock. Mycroft had to be the one to deal with Eurus; Sherlock was too young and traumatised so he got to forget. For decades, Mycroft has had to keep such a big secret, which has really weighed down on his mental health. Sometimes he just wishes he could forget too.

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