You See Him Cry For The First Time

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He realised that he doesn't show emotions properly, and it either scared you or upset you, and now he doesn't know how to make it better

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He realised that he doesn't show emotions properly, and it either scared you or upset you, and now he doesn't know how to make it better. His whole eye area burns red, and the blue depths of his eyes blazes brighter. 


He hasn't been the same since Afghanistan

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He hasn't been the same since Afghanistan. He wakes up in a cold sweat almost every night, and he can see how much it's worrying you. He can't sleep. He struggles to eat. And now it's affecting you too. He buries his head in his hands as streaming tears stain his cheek. He's sorry, but he doesn't know how to make it better.


He almost died, and you were beyond panicked

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He almost died, and you were beyond panicked. Your worry came across as anger. Anger because he would put his life on the edge to get back at someone. he realised how much pain you would be in if he did die. he'd never thought about it before, and though he cries, the rest of his face is a protective mask.


Work was really getting to him

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Work was really getting to him. Like really weighing him down. He didn't talk to you about it because he didn't want to upset you or worry you. So he had a breakdown at work and got sent home. When he walked in, you could see he had been crying. you spent the rest of the day cuddling and talking on the sofa.


Sherlock had snapped at Mycroft, and Mycroft was worried that he would go back to drugs

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Sherlock had snapped at Mycroft, and Mycroft was worried that he would go back to drugs. He cares about his little brother so much, and to have him be so uncaring and cold back is painful. It broke him one night, and his whole body shook with worry. You had a serious talk with Sherlock after that night.

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