Introductions & Warnings

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Hello! Welcome to Deliverance!


This story will contain mature and graphic adult themes. This includes but is not limited to violence, language, dark themes, sexual content, kinks and more.

If any of this does not sit well for you then please refrain from reading.

There will be warnings for certain chapters however this is the one and only direct warning that is guaranteed.


Cast Introductions!

Grey Monroe

her image is up to your imagination <3

Harry Styles

Who would've guessed... Harry Styles

 Harry Styles

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Mac Corlett

Sam Corlett

Sam Corlett

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Jax Kelly

Shai LaBeouf

Elias Monroe

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Elias Monroe

Ryan Hurst

Steele Stevens

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Steele Stevens

Johnny Depp


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Remember these are just who I visualize and take inspiration from, feel free to create the characters in your mind however you would like! These characters are solely characters and do not represent their actual lives.

I hope you enjoy!! Thank you so much for reading!

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