five | let the game begin

10.9K 215 520

Walks in the place, hands on her waist

Gun on her thigh, big shooter game

Sour Diesel || Zayn


I had three hours before the game tonight.

Three hours to be on the top of my game.

Three hours to look and feel my best for tonight.

I'm making sure tonight, I feel incredible and one way to feel incredible is to look like it. I set aside the perfect amount of time to focus on myself and my style for the night.

I had decided to leave my hair down for the night because I'd be taking my motorcycle and the helmet is unforgiving. My hair draped across my chest and down my back in loose curls. My outfit for tonight was the real star of the show though.

I picked out a pair of high waisted black leather pants, a mesh see through top that had small diamonds peppered into it almost as if they were stars. Underneath the mesh top, I sported a lace bralette that portrayed the perfect amount of cleavage, enough to be appealing but not enough to feel exposed.

My nails were freshly painted in my signature fashion. They were painted to a dark navy blue, almost black, except my middle finger that one was always bare with just clear polish. I slipped my rings onto my fingers before sticking my decked out hands in front of me, wiggling my fingers slightly in admiration. I reached for the loaded gun on my dresser and tucked it into the waistband of my pants making it completely unnoticeable.

Something told me that the gun would come in handy tonight.

Once I was fully finished I brought myself back into the bathroom.

I leaned into the countertop to get a better look at myself and raised my index finger to point at my reflection.

"You are an absolute bad bitch. You are going to go in there and kick some ass tonight." I tapped on my reflection in the mirror as I hype myself up, "Most importantly, you're going to kick his ass and win a ridiculous amount of money like the badass you are."

I pushed myself away from the counter top, nodding my head slightly, before making my way out of the bathroom. I ran back into my bedroom to swiftly grab my cash for tonight. Against better judgment I took the entirety of the 100k from my drawer. If I was going to play with the big leagues tonight, I was going to bet like I was one of them. 

I made my way back out, saying my goodbyes to Mac as he wished me luck tonight.

As I said goodbye to Mac he pulled me in for a hug, giving me a gentle reminder to remember, "Money over ego, Eli over pride." He had a point but it didn't make it any less annoying, I really do hate when he's right.

I grabbed my helmet and slipped it on as I entered the garage and began pulling my bike out. I threw my leg over the seat and flipped up the kickstand before putting the key into the ignition, listening as it roared to life. I take off from the driveway and start my journey to the game.

The thing I loved about this bike is the speed, I can go from nothing to racing in seconds. There was something so relaxing about the risk of crashing. I know how careful I should be riding this thing but fuck nothing felt better than pushing 100mph on an open road, feeling as if I were invincible. I loved the way the bike would tilt when I'd hit a turn going way faster than I should be.

I found comfort in knowing I had control over my life in these kinds of moments.

I had found comfort in the possibility of dying.

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