thirteen | surprises

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'Cause it's always one step forward

and three steps back

1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back || Olivia Rodrigo 


"Just admit it Blue, you have shit taste in coffee." Harry spoke while retrieving his coffee from the pick up counter inside the quaint cafe.

"My taste in coffee is not shit," I followed his motions in grabbing my coffee from the counter, turning to walk towards the door. "You're the one who's taste in coffee matches their personality; bitter."

Harry had picked me up from my house about twenty minutes ago. The car ride was short and peaceful for the most part. He still wouldn't let me have control of the radio, so we sat listening to the stupid ass scanner for most of the drive. I had also mentioned in the car how I was cold, so like the gentleman he is, he blasted the AC for the entirety of the ride. We are off to a great start already.

When we got to the small coffee shop, Harry ordered himself a simple iced black coffee and I followed his order up with a vanilla cold brew. Which prompted our current conversation of him insulting me by saying my coffee is disgustingly sweet.

The cafe was sat right across from the large corporate building we would return to tomorrow night. There was a clear view of Leo's car, a black Ferrari F50, from our table outside the shop. I still wasn't 100% sure on why we have to spend the whole fucking day sat here, but I need the money so i'll just keep my mouth shut. I know we have to watch for extra security around Leo and make sure we know his pattern for the day, but even Jax didn't understand the day-long excursion.

"Ah ah, not bitter. You're insane for enjoying overly sweet coffee, it's probably the scariest thing about you." Harry had a small smile spread on his lips as we pulled out our chairs to sit and the round, metal table. He was dressed in a black long sleeve button up, the top two buttons undone revealing a bit of his chest and two sparrow tattoos near his collarbones. His hair was unruly at the top, little curls falling into his face every so often.

I felt the cold metal through my jeans as I sat on the small black chair. The sun was radiating above us, warming my body just enough. "Yeah, me and over half of the world are absolutely unhinged for enjoying coffee that doesn't taste like burnt coffee beans."

The coffee was perfectly sweetened and deliciously brewed. I'll be making a mental note to come here again at some point.

"Burnt coffee beans? What the fuck kind of coffee are you drinking?" Harry spoke in between biting the black straw with his back teeth, a habit he and I seemed to share. "All I'm saying is, black coffee made right is a game changer. Try it and report back to me."

I rolled my eyes and let out a dramatic puff of air, "And all I'm saying is, sweetened coffee made right is a game changer. Try it and report back to me."

"Yeah i'll tell you what, I will not be trying that shit." a small smirk growing on his face as he spoke.

I looked around at the atmosphere around me; the cars flying past, the people gossiping as they walked along the busy street, the large corporate building that's currently housing our target. It was beautiful out today, the heat was subdued by the light breeze blowing around us as we sat at the cafe table. Today would be perfect if I wasn't stuck with the dickhead across from me.

The more we interact peacefully, the faster today will go by. I wish Mac was here, fuck id even take Jax at this point. I want today to go smoothly but I'm not going to tiptoe around him, force myself to walk on eggshells just to make sure I don't piss him off. If he doesn't give a fuck about my feelings, I shouldn't have to care about his either.

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