twenty-six | the game of chess

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Oh, I need somebody, needed someone I could trust

I don't gamble, but if I did I would bet on us

Dead Sea || The Lumineers


"I'll get the door." Harry spoke flatly as he stood from his spot on the couch, walking towards the large french doors, letting Mac and Jax inside.

Since we left the room a little bit ago, Harry has been a completely different person. His warm glow from earlier has diminished completely leaving me with a cold shell of himself.

We've been sitting in the living room of Steele's building by ourselves while he finishes up some work stuff. We haven't had a chance to talk more than a few brief moments which is slowly starting to chip away at my mental stability.

I want to know why they were there.

I wanted to know how they got there.

I wanted to know who exactly sent them.

I want answers.

I know I'll get them at some point, especially since Steele has somehow convinced Harry to have us all stay for dinner. Steele said it would be easier for us to all talk but I really think he just wanted to spend time with us. I don't mind staying for dinner, it sounds nice to me but the atmosphere looming around Harry makes me dread another moment here.

I don't know what happened, if it was something I said or did, but ever since I changed he just shut down. I've tried making conversation with Harry but his responses are few and far in between with such little sustenance; there was nothing I could do. I felt like apologizing, but I don't know what I would even be apologizing for and that feels like a wasted sorry.

Since we haven't communicated, I've spent all my time memorizing this room. Steele's taste is vintage luxury. His shelves lined with collectables, a grandfather clock against the wall, a large vintage couch, a mahogany coffee table, and grandiose paintings scattered along the walls. It was like living in a stunning dream.

I've never been good at decorating; I learned that the hard way when Elias let me design my room when we first moved out. So to make up for the lack of talent, I tend to over appreciate the fine details of lavish decor.

I could tell this room had a lot of thought put into it, love pouring from all of its seams with items of meaningful value; but I could also tell the expenses that went into it. Thats something they don't tell you when you start putting together a room; everything is so fucking expensive. I can only imagine how much those rooms cost with the type of taste that Steele has.

"The fuckin party has arrived," Jax called out as he stepped through the front door. "Harry don't look at your car, shits not pretty. You don't need to see her like that." I can imagine the state of Harry's car and from the emotions flooding his face, albeit bad, it still brought me joy to know he wasn't completely dead inside.

Mac and Jax strolled through the door casually, both wearing bright smiles. From the looks of them I'm guessing whatever they had done, went according to plan. Jax gave me a small nod in greeting as he strolled past me with a fresh change of clothes held in his bloody hands.

"Mac, how bad is my car?" Harry questioned as soon as Jax was out of his line of vision.

Mac strolled over to the couch, gently placing himself beside me in order to not disturb my position too much. Harry's bottom lip tugged between his teeth as he stared at Mac in wait, desperate for an answer.

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