eight | vodka

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She's over-bored and self-assured

Oh no, I know a dirty word

Smells Like Teen Spirit || Nirvana 


Harry's P.O.V.

"I fucked two girls last night all because I couldn't fucking sleep." I complained to Jax, who's sat across from me at the kitchen island.

Jax lets out a laugh under his breath, "Shit man, two girls? Your life is so rough."

I want to laugh at his sarcastic remark but due to my lack of sleep I find him significantly less fuckin funny than I normally do.

He's stood across from me, leaning on his elbows on the sleek white marble island. He looked like he hadn't slept either, but then again I think that's just Jax's normal look. Both of us were still in our sweats from the night before, it's not like I have anyone I need to impress.

"Yeah, your right life is rough, I had to deal with that brunette bitch yesterday." I roll my eyes.

I fucking hate her. I hate every single thing about her, I wish I had just shot her that night she pulled her gun on me. I was fully capable of killing her, just like we had done with the others who had figured out we were cheating. It was just something about how off guard she caught me, no one has ever confronted me about our scam and pulled a gun on me, especially not a woman. Then, she had to go and really test my fucking patience when she tried following me home, crazy bitch.

I've never met someone so bold in my entire life. It's like she has a death wish and she's just begging for it to fuckin come true. I could've ended all of this that first night, then I wouldn't have such a headache of shit I have to deal with right now. She just had to show up and fucking play me, she's so fucking stupid.

"You're such a pussy," Jax groans. "She is not that bad. Yeah she's annoying but you don't need to be so pressed over her. Chill the fuck out man."

"You wanna fuck her or something? Is that why you're defending her so much?" I wouldn't care if he wanted to fuck her. The only thing I care about is having to see her around, I'd hate that shit.

Jax choked on the sip of water he was swallowing, "Fuck no, I don't want to fuck her."

"It's okay if you do, just keep her as far away from here as possible and take a shower before you come back. I don't want her germs infesting this place."

"No, you sick fuck. Just cut her some slack, she needs money." His eyes roll in annoyance, "Plus, she pulled a gun on you, I like that she has some spice to her. She isn't that bad, you're just a pussy over the fact that she's not scared to call you out on your shit."

I don't like that she calls me out, she knows how to push my buttons in the worst fucking way possible. Being around her makes me want to stick my dick in a meat grinder. She makes me fucking itch with anger.

I drag my hands down my face and release a deep breath I was holding, "She is just so full of herself, and so fucking nosey. Like damn bitch, mind your own business. Why cant she just be like every clueless girl that comes around?"

"For someone who cant stand her, you sure don't shut the fuck up about her." He points out with a laugh.

My expression drops from my face and I stare at him through knitted brows.

'Ah! Look at you! You're all fuckin bothered over her," he shouts as he raises his finger to point at me.

"I know we're basically family but I'm not opposed to fucking stabbing you," I reply with a monotone voice. "And it's not even that i'm bothered by her, I just don't want to be around her."

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