fifteen | make me*

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It's gettin' hot in herre

So take off all your clothes

Hot in Herre || Nelly 


This is apart of a double update! Remember to read chapter 14 before starting this one!! Happy readings <3!!


We walked through the door of Harry's apartment in silence. The house was clean like always, which is surprising for two unruly men. Their home always smelled like tobacco and vanilla, a sweet but "tough" scent. Growing up living with two boys, I thought it was normal to constantly have messy houses and be picking up after them. Elias hates clutter but he somehow always managed to let it slide when it came to our home. It feels like a breath of fresh air to walk into Harry's home and always see it in pristine condition.

I take a deep breath in through my nose, trying to inhale as much of the comforting scent as I could. I followed Harry to the kitchen, both of us standing on each side of the marble island as we waited for Jax to come down.

I knew Harry was annoyed with me. With every question I asked tonight, I could see his patience wearing thinner and thinner. I felt bad.

Not bad enough to stop though.

"You think Leo is dead yet?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Fuck no, Steele is pissed." Harry blows out a puff of air through his nose, "Leo is probably begging to be dead right now, he's not going to get off that easy though."

Leo deserves everything he's getting, but all I can think about is Elias. I know what those guys are capable of there. I know the kind of torture he's being put through. Beatings, starvation, dehydration, burning, slashing; I want to be sick just thinking about it. Elias doesn't deserve this, he didn't do anything to deserve what's happening to him.

Jax's body caught my attention as he was walking down the stairs, taking two steps at a time with each stride. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he made a quick pace to join us at our place in the kitchen.

"What the fuck was that Harry?" Jax spoke though out of breath huffs.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Harry questioned with a puzzled expression.

"You fucking call me, tell me you need my help, right? I rush over there thinking some crazy shit is going down and when I get there; the dude is fucking crying on the floor like a bitch."

My hand flies to my face, clapping over my mouth to suppress the laughs just begging to spill out.

"You hold those fucking laughs in Grey, I don't want to hear it." Jax points at me with a scowl.

"You're telling me he was just sitting, crying?" Harry bites at his bottom lip, trying desperately to hold back his laughs like me.

"He was curled up in the fucking fetal position sobbing, do you know how fucking embarrassing that is for me?" Harry and I both stand, confusion engulfing our expression at how this situation could somehow be embarrassing to Jax of all people. "I show up with my fucking murder shoes on, and he's crying. That's what I'm good for? A man on the floor sobbing for his mom? I wore my nice shoes Harry, my nice fucking shoes!"

It is insane to think that Jax considers shoes she's going to kill someone in as his 'nice shoes'. I knew I was very different from these guys but fuck, you learn something new everyday.

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