forty-one | repercussions*

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Get on your knees

Beg me to stop

Do It For Me || Rosenfeld



This chapter contains mentions of knife play, blood, branding and more. 


Some would argue that im making a bad choice, playing with fire at this moment with Harry, and to them i say:

Go fuck yourself.

I always figured if i did settle down id be with someone complete opposite of me; quiet, reserved, somewhat normal but i kinda fucked that haven't i? Somehow ended up with a replica of myself, set my heart on a brunette with a cocky god complex.

Normally I go along, submit to his demands and be obedient which I do enjoy however, today isn't one of those days. I like to let go of the control, let someone else make decisions for me for a change but not right now. I can tell Harry hates it, already taken aback by my stubborn replies and pushy remarks; but thats just too fucking bad.

With my back pressed against him, silver blade sliding down my throat, his warm breath coating my fragile skin; I feel alive. Really, truly, actually fucking alive. I can forget the worries of today, just for this moment and live.

"Go on, Harry. Im getting fucking bored standing here waiting," I groaned out with a dramatic roll of my eyes.

"Watch your fucking mouth, Grey." The knife dug into my skin, the top layers of my flesh splitting at its will with minimal pressure.

"If you cant do it, i'll go downstairs and have Jax fuck me until i'm screaming his name and cant remember my own."

A disgusted huff came from Harry's full lips, feeling his cock harden against my back as I stood with a satisfied smirk, one he couldn't see. His heart pounded against my back, chest rapid standing still in the center of the room. A devious glint flickered in my heart, knowing full well this is only the beginning and I would undoubtedly face consequences for my smart mouth.

"Why're you being such a bitch? I miss the girl who was so desperate, pathetic that she'd shut the fuck up and do as I said." Harry swiftly spun my around to face him, pulling my chin up with the tip of the blade for our eyes to meet, "I think you need to be reminded who the fuck is in charge here."

My eyebrows popped, drawing together with doe-eyed bats of my lashes. I nodded my head submissively, pouting my lips.

"Do i? Do I need to be reminded who's in charge, daddy?" I mocked out, fake fawning and whining.

Harry's eyes were black, jaw set tight with teeth clenched so hard it seemed as if they could shatter at any moment. The space that had held the knife on my neck was hot, stinging like a fresh paper cut but it wasn't enough, I wanted more.

His head shook slowly, a low chuckle coming from him as he pulled up the knife, directing and extending my head to tilt further at him.

"Get on your fucking knees," I went to shake my head but his hand found it way into my hair, roughly tangling a fistful in his hand with a harsh pull. "I swear to fucking god Grey, you keep this shit up and you're going to wish you had just listened to me like a good little whore." His closed fist pulled me down, guiding me towards the floor unforgivingly, "without a fucking word, do as you're told; and get on your fucking knees."

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