thirty-two | punishments & promises*

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I wanna touch your body

So fucking electric



"I'm sure you look fucking incredible on a motocycle, but i'd much rather watch you ride my cock instead baby." Harry's words came out rushed, a deep growl graveled from the back of his throat as his body pressed flush against mine.

The room was spinning around me as Harry's words intoxicated my mind, consuming my every thought. My breaths were short, sporadic as I tried to keep my vision straight on him, never wanting to take my eyes off of him.

The sweltering garage was illuminated by a single light hanging above. The dim ambiance added intensity to the situation swirling around us, my stomach knotting at the thoughts in my head.

My back stayed pressed against the way, Harry's lean body forceful against mine as my lips reconnected with him at a feverish pace.

Our hearts touched as we pressed against one another, beating to the same rapid rhythm.

"You're perfect, blue; every fucking inch of you. You're all I see in my mind, I want you every second of the day; could never get enough of you." Harry's forehead pressed against mine as he whispered lowly, a desperate moan falling from my lips.

My hand tangled in his hair, tugging lightly as the other gripped onto his neck for stability, my legs weak from his touch. Heavy pants fell from his wet lips, coating my damp skin from the close proximity of our beings.

He's all I think about too, even if I don't want to admit it. I never thought I'd be the type to submit, but he could tell me to be on my knees and I wouldn't think twice about it.

He's everything, all consuming; it's suffocating in the most effervescent way.

Harry's hands found their way to the top of my jeans, his fingers fumbling with the button as his lips attached to mine. His touch grazed my skin, igniting a fire inside of me.

The zipper gently undid itself under his control before he slipped his hand under the fabric of the jeans. He pushed them down slightly, just enough to fit his hands onto my ass, grabbing fistfuls of skin as the kiss deepened.

His grip was tight, unforgiving as he dug his nails into me, a deep growl coming from his throat. Harry's body was pinned against mine, his hard cock pressed against me as if strained against the confines of his pants; desperate to be free.

My body was thick with sweat, baby hairs sticking to my forehead as my body beaded with warm liquid. The garage smelled of stale air mixing with the familiar scent of Harry's cologne, a scent that's become comforting to me.

His hands lingered on my skin for a few more moments before tugging my jeans down, helping them along as he pulled them towards my feet. I slowly raised each leg, letting him slip the fabric from my body, tossing them to the side.

"I want to fuck you so bad, feel you around me; feel me fill you." Harry's face hovered a few inches from mine, his green eyes piercing into mine as his chest heaved.

"Do it. Fuck me, fill me; ruin me." I rushed my words out, air fleeting from my lungs with every passing second. "I'm all yours, so go ahead and fuck me like i am."

And with that, Harry was moving away from him, my hands releasing their grip on his hair as his hands made haste to his jeans. His long, ring coated fingers undid the button at a rapid pace. He pushed down the cloth, taking his boxers down with it to reveal his cock springing from his jeans.

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