two | bright ideas

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I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonight

I lost a friend, I lost a friend

I Lost A Friend || FINNEAS

This is what I imagine her listening to in the shower!


I take the bag of peas from his extended hand and gently set it on my bruised and bloodied cheek. I take a moment to collect my thoughts before speaking. I spent hours in that basement being beat and my brain feels like it could explode at any moment. We spent at least 8 hours being beat down there because the sun had begun to set. I let out a deep sigh preparing myself to talk.

"The drop had gone bad, I don't know how but everything that could have gone wrong did. We lost bags full of the drugs and the two million dollars." I give him a moment to take in the severity of the situation at hand before I begin again. "We had to explain to everyone at the warehouse what had happened, I knew it wasn't going to go well but I had no idea just how pissed they were. We had barely walked into the door before they were screaming at us, screaming at me." I drop my head, shaking it light.

I glance back up and watch as Mac fidgets with the skin between his thumb and forefinger, anxiously waiting for me to continue.

"One of the men got in my face and had hit me, Elias lost it. He launched himself at that man in front of him, intentionally headbutting him in the face as hard as he could. He knocked him out cold in one motion. I knew he wouldn't stop till he got to me. He kicked the seconds guy's knee in causing him to instantly fall to the floor, Elias took that as an opportunity to kick him in the head like his life depended on it. But then, he got to the man in front of me."

I watch as Mac's face falls in fear and I let my eyes briefly flutter close and shake my head slightly trying to shake away the feelings growing as I gather myself to continue the story.

"When he got to him, it had all happened so fast he hadn't even had time to turn around to look at Elias yet. He ripped his head back by his hair and kicked out the back of his legs so he was able to slam his body to the ground. Once he had him on the floor he didn't stop, he threw one blow after another till the man's face looked like a mess of mangled blood and tissue." I let out a deep sign in preparation to deliver the news I dreaded.

"I knew we were fucked, three other men came rushing in. Two of them took Elias down beating the shit out of him with a heavy metal pipe, while the other came for me. Once they started beating us everything is hazy, the last thing I clearly remember is us being strapped down while the fucking idiot with the accent wouldn't shut the fuck up." I shake my head as the sound of his voice plays in my ears.

"You mean the one who talks like this, "stupid fuckin woman." Mac mimics the man's Russian accent as a way to try and lighten his mood. We both let out a few small giggles.

"Yea, that would be the one i'm talking about." I chuckle while removing the bag of peas from my face and lightly toss them onto the coffee table in front of us. "I guess they had decided to keep Elias and told me I had 60 days to find a way to get them their money or they'd kill him. They knocked me out, I didn't even get to say goodbye. The next thing I know I'm being thrown out of the car in the desert barely even conscious."

The silence is thick between us for a moment. Mac removes his hand from the top of mine and brings it to his face, harshly rubbing it in a desperate attempt to relieve the stress weighing down on him. He runs his hand through his waved hair before letting them fall into his lap, letting out a long sigh.

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