twenty-three | snowflakes

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Take me away (Take me away)

A secret place (A secret place)

Pocketful Of Sunshine || Natasha Bedingfield


I hate him.

I fucking hate him.

After last night, he means fucking nothing to me.

I thought my animosity for him couldn't get any stronger but here i am; stuck in a fucking car with him for the next three hours at least.

To say I'm pissed is an understatement.

When I woke up last night I felt hurt, but when I woke up this morning it felt like a rage had been ignited inside of me. I was going to lay low, brush it off, handle shit the way I needed to, but that's about the exact time Harry texted me. He gave no explanation in his text, no real warning, just a simple message stating; On my way, be ready in 20.

I think I blacked out for a moment from anger when I first read it.

Initially, I was going to ignore it, just refuse to acknowledge him when he showed up but then Mac came into my room. Apparently, everyone was well clued in on the plans for today except me. He told me I was going to make us late and I needed to hurry up. He told me he knew about today for a while now, Jax had told him. Next thing i know; Harry is texting me he's outside at nine in the fucking morning.

So now, I'm sitting in a car with Harry who has refused to acknowledge my existence since I got in.

Thankfully I asked Mac about the plan before we left, I had a feeling this is how today was going to go.

We have a three hour car ride to pick up a u-haul truck. Jax and Mac are following behind us in a single car. Once we get to the pick up Harry and I will take over the truck while Mac and Jax split off, each taking a separate car. From there we drop the vehicle to wherever the fuck its supposed to go, i collect my money, and tell Harry to kiss my fucking ass.

I am still somewhat confused about today, initially the plans were to leave for the car around noon or one but here we are; nine thirty in the fucking morning with no explanation as to why we've left so early. Even Mac couldn't answer that question.

Although we aren't speaking, Harry has so effortlessly found a way to get on my fucking nerves.

I can handle his usual shit with the radio, his asinine comments, his purposeful messing with the AC; but today he's decided to switch it up by keeping the windows down while we drive. The sound of the wind echoing throughout the car in loud bursts was burning my eardrums, causing me to flinch with every gust of air that came through. My hair was whipping around my face, smacking me over and over again leaving a small sting behind with each hit.

Harry was unphased, his arm hung out the open window, hair blowing steadily to the wind. I kept glancing over, hoping that this was all some sick fucking joke and he would eventually give in but its been nearly a half hour with no end in sight but fuck are my patience wearing thin.

I've gone to roll the window up multiple times now, and without fail he has immediately rolled them back down each time with a small smirk on his face.

I thought we were finally getting to be better with one another, but after what happened I feel nothing but pure blind rage around him. He left to get back at me for what happened yesterday morning. The two events are incomparable, his act of abandonment is sick in the grand scheme of things. I open myself up, show my hurt and fear, and he uses it against me to prove a point. I shouldn't have expected anything different from him, it's who he is.

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